Art displayed at Exhibition

Call To Artists


Deadline to apply: September 29, 2024

Gladstone House seeks artwork for exhibitions for the 2025 DesignTO Festival. Gladstone House’s 2025 exhibitions will be built around pattern. Pattern is everywhere: it can be created by hand or digitally, it can occur in nature at large and micro scales. In art and design, it can be a motif, a way to organize, a compositional device.

We’re looking for work that includes or is informed by pattern. The work may be pattern-based, or include a depiction of patterned textiles or architectural forms, or have any other connection to pattern.

Exhibition dates: January 15 – April 29, 2025

Exhibition spaces: Stairway Gallery (2-person exhibition, 5-7 works per person), 2nd Floor Lounge (1-person exhibition, 3-5 works), Lobby (1 work), Lobby corridor (1-person exhibition, 3-5 works)

Artist fees: Fees range from $250 to $420 per person, depending on the space.

Media: Accepted media include drawing, printmaking, collage, painting, photography, textiles framed under glass/plexi, images printed/mounted on dibond or other rigid substrate, works on canvas or panel. Sculpture, time-based work and work requiring power cannot be accommodated.

Size: maximum width 60 inches, maximum height 60 inches. These spaces are better suited to medium to large work – works under 24 inches wide are not suitable.


  • This call is open to professional artists* in Toronto and region (approximately 50km radius from Toronto).
  • Gladstone House is committed to equity and diversity. Qualified applicants with diverse identities and lived experiences are encouraged to apply.
  • In order to offer opportunities to more artists, artists who exhibited work at Gladstone House in 2021-2024 are not eligible to apply.

* The Canada Council defines a professional artist as an artist who:

  • has specialized training in the artistic field (not necessarily in academic institutions)
  • is recognized as a professional by his or her peers (artists working in the same artistic tradition)
  • is committed to devoting more time to artistic activity, if possible financially
  • has [some] history of public presentation or publication [including exhibitions as part of post-secondary coursework or thesis]

Other Information

  • The artist is required to deliver and pick up work from Gladstone House. Artwork will be installed by the Hotel.
  • While on site, artwork is covered by the Hotel’s insurance.

How To Apply

Applying is easy! Send an email with the subject line DesignTO application to Curator Lee Petrie ( and attach one (1) PDF with the following:

1. Name
2. Phone number
3. City of residence
4. Instagram and website (for your art practice)
5. Artist bio (75 words max) (if your bio is on your website, provide the link instead)

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work – summarize key details of your work, what inspires you and informs your work, any special materials or techniques you use. Gladstone House encourages applications from artists with diverse identities and lived experiences. You may choose to share how you identify here. This information will be viewed by the Curator and will not be shared elsewhere without your consent.

6. Statement about the work (100 words max) (if your statement is on your website, provide the link instead)

Describe the ideas and themes you explore, why these ideas interest you, and your materials.

7. Images with captions or image list

Include up to 5 images that relate to the theme of pattern. Captions or image list must include title, media, size framed, date completed. Please ensure that images are clear and do not put more than 3 images per page.

8. CV (if your CV is on your website, provide the link instead)

9. How did you hear about this call?

Gladstone Instagram
Gladstone website
Email from Curator
Word of mouth

DEADLINE TO APPLY: September 29, 2024

Questions And Accessibility

Questions? Please email Lee Petrie, Curator, Archive Hospitality
If you need an alternative method of applying, please email Lee to discuss options.

Everything you could imagine is real.

Pablo Picasso